My LetsGrowMore (LGM) Internship experience

Syed Huzaifa
2 min readJan 30, 2022
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

As you all know the first internship is always special and so was mine. It was during the month of December when I applied for it. I was learning data science quite a few months back, I also worked on some of the projects but was always in search of an opportunity to apply the things I have learned and gain some practical experience. And so when I came to know about the Virtual Internship program on data science by LetsGrowMore, I applied to it immediately.

You can learn more about LetsGrowMore by visiting their website-

→ Link for the LetsGrowMore website —
→ Link for the Virtual Internship Program —

If anyone of you like me wants to apply your learnings in any of these three domains namely web development, data science, or android development, you can surely join LetsGrowMore -Virtual Internship Program.

Further, After getting selected I was assigned three tasks out of which, two of the tasks were mandatory and one was optional.
The tasks were as follows:-
1. Beginner Level
2. Intermediate Level
3. Advance Level

First Task: Convert an RGB image to a pencil sketch

This task was really easy as simple python was used. The image processing library which I used was OpenCV. Firstly, I converted the original RGB image to a grayscale image. After that, I inverted the image then blurred it. The last step was to apply the Gaussian Function and the RGB image got converted into a cool pencil sketch. This tool can be used to convert any RGB image to a pencil sketch.

Second Task: Handwriting Prediction Deep Learning Neural Network

This was an advanced task. I’ve to make a neural network that can predict handwriting. I used Google Tensorflow and Keras for this purpose. The famous dataset called Mnist Dataset was used. I developed a convnet and trained it on training data. The training was really awesome. After that, the neural network was tested on the test data. My model gave 99% accuracy on the test data. The model can be improved further. The model can predict handwriting.

Lastly, I would like to thank Aman Kesarwani sir and the whole team of LetsGrowMore for giving me this wonderful opportunity to enhance my skills and gain some practical experience by working on some amazing projects. I would surely recommend this internship to everyone who is struggling to find an opportunity to gain some practical knowledge and work on various projects to get some hands-on experience in the form of internships for their future endorsement.

Thanks for your time. Best Wishes!



Syed Huzaifa

AI Is My ❤️|Data Scientist📈|Bachelor's Student📘|